Blog Thema Circular economy Green Dot rates Reuse Prevention Legislation Litter Ecodesign Innovation Sorting out of home Recycling Sorting Legislation News 11/02/2025 Fost Plus’ Viewpoint on New Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation BlogReuseNews MatchMaker: ‘dating tool’ for partners in reuse and prevention 10/02/2025 BlogEcodesignCase study Flow packs: a good alternative to fresh food? 04/02/2025 BlogInnovationNews First tests on sorting and recycling ready meal trays are promising 28/01/2025 BlogReuseNews Reusable packaging in the catering sector – is now the time to get started? 21/01/2025 BlogEcodesignCase study Fruit purees – a popular snack now in sustainable packaging 09/01/2025 BlogLitterNews Initial results of pilot projects targeting litter 23/12/2024 BlogLegislationNews Greater awareness needed for the impact of PPWR 13/12/2024 BlogReuseNews Mechelen tests reusable mushroom trays 28/11/2024 BlogSorting out of homeNews Record number of companies start sorting PMD 26/11/2024 Pagination 1 (current) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … Volgende Laatste