
Extended due to its success: the return of the cackling hen


At the end of 2024, Fost Plus sounded the alarm. More and more waste was going into the blue bags that didn’t belong there. Batteries, electrical and electronic equipment and plastic objects were a source of particular concern.

More frequent sorting errors don’t just complicate the recycling process and put up costs: they also increase the dangers for everyone who works in collection, sorting and recycling. Although the sorting process is done by machines, it also remains a partly human task. If hazardous waste explodes during collection or at the sorting centres, this puts employees at risk. It’s also a great shame, because many of these incorrectly sorted items could have been recycled or reused – just not through the PMD recycling chain.

A national media campaign was therefore set up to alert the public and remind them of the sorting rules again. Since the end of February, the campaign has been back on the TV, in the cinema, on posters and online.

Permanent behavioural change is rarely a straightforward process. It takes time and what we’re asking everyone to do needs to be as easy as possible. With the campaign slogan “If it’s packaging, it can go in the blue bag” we’re giving everyone some pointers they can use every day to sort better and contribute to a better world.