Blog Thema Circular economy Green Dot rates Reuse Prevention Legislation Litter Ecodesign Innovation Sorting out of home Recycling Sorting Green Dot rates News 27/09/2023 Green Dot Fees 2024 BlogLitterNews Together for a smart deposit return system: second phase of pilot projects 22/09/2023 BlogPreventionCase study Coca-Cola saves 30 tonnes of raw material in multipacks 21/09/2023 BlogSorting out of homeCase study Walibi: sorting waste, an adventure in its own right 14/09/2023 BlogSorting out of homeCase study Sorting in your company - why the cleaning team is your first point of contact 13/09/2023 BlogSortingNews The New Blue Bag reaches its target of 23 kg of PMD collected per person in 2022 06/07/2023 BlogSorting out of homeNews Sorting PMD in the workplace: where do we stand today? 26/06/2023 BlogRecyclingNews Fost Plus recycled 95% of all household packaging in 2022 21/06/2023 BlogLitterNews Together for a smart deposit scheme: first pilot projects start in Flanders 20/06/2023 BlogEcodesignCase study Carrefour improves its fruit and vegetable packaging as part of its ACT FOR FOOD programme 19/06/2023 Pagination Eerste Vorige … 2 3 4 5 6 (current) 7 8 9 10 … Volgende Laatste
BlogSorting out of homeCase study Sorting in your company - why the cleaning team is your first point of contact 13/09/2023
BlogSortingNews The New Blue Bag reaches its target of 23 kg of PMD collected per person in 2022 06/07/2023
BlogLitterNews Together for a smart deposit scheme: first pilot projects start in Flanders 20/06/2023
BlogEcodesignCase study Carrefour improves its fruit and vegetable packaging as part of its ACT FOR FOOD programme 19/06/2023