Green Dot Fees 2024


Based on real costs and revenues

The rates are recalculated every year on the basis of the real cost deficit for each material. This way, we ensure that all members always make a correct and fair contribution to the system. In practical terms, for each material we note the costs that we incur to collect, sort and recycle, including transport, energy, labour and processing. The revenue from the sale of the materials is also taken into account. Macro-economic factors such as inflation and fluctuating materials prices on international markets have a significant impact on the rates.
In 2022, we recycled over 95% of all household packaging put on the Belgian market by our members. The introduction of the New Blue Bag of course played an important role in this. Thanks to the expansion of the PMD fraction, we now sort and recycle more packaging than ever.

Separate rate for EPS and cork

But behind the scenes as well, we are making great efforts to ensure as much recycling as possible. Additional investment in the sorting centres means that aluminium can be recovered from small residual waste. As a result, both fine aluminium and coffee capsules can be sent for recycling. In addition, we want to manage the entire chain for EPS and cork collected via the recycling parks in order to make it more efficient and to retrieve and recycle as much of these flows as possible. 
That is why as of 2024, an adjusted Green Dot rate will apply for these materials. This rate will be based on their real costs. From then on, it will therefore also be mandatory to declare these materials separately. Incidentally, we recommend doing this for the 2023 declaration year, as this can reduce the advance that you have to pay.

One rate for all non-recyclable materials

The rates for all non-recyclable materials will be aligned as of 2024. So there will no longer be any difference between the rates for valorised, non-valorised and obstructive packaging. The uniform rate is at least twice the highest rate for recyclable materials, but in practice is much higher still. The quantity of non-recyclable packaging is falling steadily – among other things thanks to the many Design For Recycling initiatives taken by industry – so the rising costs have to be spread over a smaller quantity.
The high rate for non-recyclable packaging is an added incentive for companies to switch faster to recyclable alternatives. They will have to do so in any case, given the commitment made by the sectors concerned to put only recyclable packaging on the market by 2025.

What about the future litter costs?

The European SUP or Single Use Plastics Directive contains a number of measures that make companies responsible for packaging liable for the costs of clearing up litter since the start of this year. Belgium is currently still discussing the transposition of the SUP directive into inter-regional legislation. Once the situation is sufficiently clear, we will of course let you know about the impact of this new measure. We can, however, already tell you that the cost involved will not be included in the Green Dot rates. This will be a separate contribution.

What do the new Green Dot rates mean for your company?

The link below gives you access to an overview of the 2024 rates per material. You can use this list to assess the impact on your packaging now. These are the rates that apply for packaging put on the market in 2024 – which you will therefore not declare until the start of 2025.
We recommend that you download the document so that you can use the correct application criteria and determine which Green Dot category your packaging falls into. The rates for the simplified declaration types will be published on our website shortly.

Download the 2024 Green Dot Rates

How can you keep close track of everything?

So as to give you even more details and insights, Fost Plus is extending the range of reports available in MyFost. This gives you an easy, clear view of how your packaging is evolving. Click on ‘Dashboard - My Household Packaging’ in the reports home screen to improve the quality of your declaration via the ‘Sanity Check’ report. You can also view your Green Dot contribution per packaging sheet for 2023 and 2024 via the ‘Overview per packaging sheet’ report.