
Innovating for a Cleaner Environment


Tibi is Innovating with its Fleet and its Public Cleanliness Initiatives in Collaboration with Fost Plus

As part of the preparations for the extension of our responsibilities in terms of litter management, Fost Plus is currently running pilot projects with various municipalities and intermunicipal authorities. The aim is to develop new knowledge and evaluate its effectiveness in the field. Tibi, an intermunicipal waste management company, is taking part in one of these trial projects, thereby taking a further step towards improving public cleanliness.

Thanks to this partnership, Tibi has acquired two new compact electric vehicles, financed by Fost Plus. Since mid-April, these vehicles have been used by Tibi’s waste management teams to collect waste sorting bags in public spaces.

The advantages of these compact vehicles for public cleanliness

  • More efficient: Thanks to their small size, they can access narrow areas, pavements and pedestrian zones that traditional cleaning vehicles would have difficulty reaching. This makes for greater efficiency and potentially saves time.
  • Eco-responsible and reduced carbon footprint: As they are electric, they help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the environment.
  • Adaptable and versatile: They can be used for a variety of tasks, such as collecting bags from public litter bins (both residual waste and PMD).
  • Flexible and autonomous: their load capacity is an added bonus. Sweepers (without a ‘B’ driving licence) can thus help the Public Cleaning Unit drivers to work on assignments that are moderately far from their point of departure.
Aspirateurs Tibi

The first results are particularly promising. The test phase began in late 2023 and during the 3-month test period, nearly 500 kg of PMD has already been collected selectively, via, among other things, double street dustbins . Eventually, over the course of a year, nearly 10 tons of PMD could be collected by the approximately ten street vacuum cleaners who clean the streets and empty the garbage cans every day in Charleroi's city center and suburbs

By working with Tibi, Fost Plus is testing operational solutions that can be deployed on a large scale, with tangible results. By continuing to explore and test new solutions, we aim to create cleaner, more pleasant urban environments for everyone.