Fost Plus concludes accreditation period 2019-2023


Fost Plus looks back on the past accreditation period with satisfaction. Between 2019 and 2023, more packaging waste per inhabitant was selectively collected, the recycling rate for plastic packaging material increased further and the cooperation with members and partners further improved throughout the chain. Fost Plus is on track to achieve all the targets from the current accreditation. 

Objective: 65% plastic recycling 

Since 2019, more types of packaging can be thrown in the blue bag. This means an extra 90,000 tonnes of (mainly) plastic packaging material is collected every year, that was previously incinerated via residual waste. This could increase the plastic recycling rate from 42%* in 2019 to 61% in 2022, close to the legal target of 65% in 2023. 

Objective: Collect 26,000 tonnes of PMD out of home

Citizens are increasingly consuming outside their home and on the go. In its policy, Fost Plus focused on workplace packaging management, on the one hand, and specific target sites on the other.

  1. Despite the sorting obligation, the residual waste of more than half of the companies that were audited still contains PMD. Through a welcome bonus as part of a collaboration between Fost Plus, Valipac and the private waste operators, companies are encouraged to collect PMD separately. Between 2019 and 2022, 6,700 companies were eligible for this welcome bonus. 
  2. In its approach to target sites, Fost Plus is increasingly seeking economies of scale through the smart combination of information, communication and infrastructure, in close collaboration with the sectors. For example, Fost Plus has worked out specific sorting rules for hospitals and care institutions, and also developed a plan for recreational parks, while also working with the events sector to bring reuse obligations in line with the reality on the ground.

The objective was to increase the proportion of PMD collected out of home from 14,000 tonnes in 2018 to 26,000 tonnes in 2023. By the end of 2022, the counter was already at 24,000 tonnes. 


Objective: 100% recyclable packaging

Packaging is sustainable only when it is conceived that way right from the design phase. Packaging companies are committed to eliminate all non-recyclable packaging from their ranges by 2025. Between 2019 and 2022, some 2,500 tonnes of non-recyclable packaging disappeared from shop shelves. In addition, there are a lot of packaging shifts in the pipeline that will become visible over the coming months and years. 

Fost Plus is working with the industry on operational solutions to integrate certain packaging types into existing systems. In 2023, both opaque PET bottles and small aluminiums (together with beverage capsules) were integrated into the stream. Due to adjustments in the sorting centres, they are now both sorted – and recycled - as a separate material type. This totals some 3,000 tonnes a year.


Recycling rates 2019-2023

*Since 2020, the recycling rate is calculated through a specific methodology imposed by Europe with a view to consolidation at European level. The recycling rate is now measured later in the chain, so that process losses or the presence of improper materials (such as contaminants, humidity or product residues) are deducted from the recycling rate. In this table, the 2019 recycling figures were recalculated according to the same parameters, to allow a relevant comparison. As such, the 2019 figures are not official but a mere estimation to show the evolution over the years. 
Material 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Glass 110% 113% 115% 123% 120%
Papier-cardboard 103% 101% 93% 92% 94%
Ferrous metals 102% 104% 105% 105% 105%
Aluminium 91% 93% 94% 94% 94%
Plastics 42% 46% 52% 61% 68%
Drinks cartons 58% 58% 71% 70% 72%
Recycling rate share of packaging put
on the market by Fost Plus members
88% 89% 91% 95% 97%

With this strong base, the operational role (collection, sorting and recycling) of Fost Plus can evolve into a broad social role, taking a holistic approach to raw materials and materials management with a view to a sustainable society. The new accreditation application reflects these ambitions.