2023 - a record year with an eye to the future


In 2023, Fost Plus recycled no less than 97% of all household packaging put on the Belgian market. With this, we set a new record thanks to the ceaseless efforts of all citizens in sorting waste. But apart from this, 2023 was also a remarkable year in many other ways: this was a year in which we laid the foundations for the sustainable management of materials in the future.

Of the 734,651 tonnes of household packaging put on the Belgian market by members last year, 97% or 711,390 tonnes were recycled. A total of 78% of this packaging was recycled in Belgium itself. The rest of the materials were processed by partners in neighbouring countries. Per inhabitant, we now collect more than 24 kilograms of PMD each year, and more and more PMD is also being collected selectively outside the home.

Foundations for sustainable materials management

But 2023 was much more than just a record year. It was also the last year of our previous accreditation period, a pivotal year in which we laid the foundations for our operations in the coming years. Prevention and reuse will play an increasing role in the future, with recycling as the crucial endpoint for sustainable materials management. In addition, together with our members, we will also play an important role in the fight against litter, once again underlining our social relevance.

Eager to know more about our results and future projects? Read all about it in our Activity Report!