Choose the right rubbish bins and position them shrewdly
Well-chosen rubbish bins set up in the right way make it easier for everyone to sort correctly. Small details really do make the difference here.
Make a distinction between the needs for staff and visitors (front end) and the collection point (back end).
Front end
Rubbish bins come in all types and sizes. So think carefully about your choice. Estimate the quantity of waste collected there beforehand. On the basis of that, determine how many rubbish bins you need, how big they should be and how often they have to be emptied. Take account of the practical aspects: choose rubbish bins that are easy for you to empty and clean.
Back end
Provide a container for every type of waste at the waste collection point. Work out the possibilities with your waste partner.

When your PMD is collected by a waste partner that is affiliated to Fost Plus, use the official PMD bags bearing the words PMD-Companies. You can get them from your waste partner and via some cleaning companies. They are available in various sizes. So check which volume best fits the rubbish bins you have chosen.
Organisations and companies with a limited quantity of PMD that use the household collection system can buy the municipal PMD bags at local stores.

Position the various rubbish bins next to one another in sorting islands or go for a ‘sorting unit’ with appropriate openings and compartments. For example, for residual waste it is best to choose a round opening that is not too big. This prevents large pieces of rubbish ending up in the bins.
Provide at least a two-part waste island, for residual waste and PMD. That way, everyone sees straight away that waste is sorted here and that not everything goes in the same bin. Where necessary, you can expand the sorting island to include paper-cardboard bins. Don’t forget that other fractions, such as left-over food and kitchen waste, are now mandatory as well.
The islands make the bins more conspicuous and easier to empty. Provide islands in all busy places and waiting areas. In short, everywhere that people eat, drink, pass by, wait or gather.

No-one likes overflowing, damaged or dirty rubbish bins. So empty the bins regularly and keep them in good condition. Choose bins that you can easily empty and clean.
Attractive sorting islands make people keen to sort. Go for uniformity. Ideally, use the same type of rubbish bin everywhere. It not only looks better, but it also makes them easier to recognise. Vary just the colour and the opening depending on the type of waste.

Make it clear what belongs where and put a clear label on each rubbish bin. You can use the Fost Plus stickers for this. A combination of pictograms and text is ideal. Communicate in the language of your target group!
Possibly put down arrows or small footsteps showing the way to the rubbish bins. That will give everyone a little push in the right direction. You can also hang posters above the sorting island with the correct sorting instructions.
Everything you need for this can be found in The Sortstore!
To The Sortstore

Choose clearly visible rubbish bins. Use the colour codes that people are already familiar with: blue for PMD, grey or black for residual waste, yellow for paper-cardboard and green for glass. Choose a coloured rubbish bin, or at least a coloured lid.
PMD: RAL 5012 / C60 M9 Y0 K0 / R98 G186 B234 / PANTONE 2915
Papier-cardboard: RAL 1032 / C0 M20 Y70 K10 / R235 G193 B91 / PANTONE 124
Glass: RAL 5021 / C76 M0 Y47 K30 / R6 G137 B123 / PANTONE 562
Residual waste: RAL 9006 / C0 M0 Y0 K47 / R163 G163 B163 / PANTONE 423