MyFost and the new declaration system


In the first half of 2021, we will be introducing a new digital platform for our members, MyFost. Apart from providing them with new ways to manage their company data and consult documents, MyFost is first and foremost a new declaration system: more comprehensive, more user-friendly, and completely ready for the rapidly evolving packaging regulations and recycling targets.

Fost Plus members file an annual declaration of the packaging they release into the Belgian market, allowing us to give new life to thepackaging and making an important contribution to the country’s circular economy. Reliable data allows us to determine in a very accurate way the recycling percentages. The declaration will be even more efficient next year thanks to a new declaration system. 

MyFost is the result of an extensive needs analysis and was developed and tested in close collaboration with users.

MyFost is the result of an extensive needs analysis and was developed and tested in close collaboration with users. Its purpose is to ensure that all parties have access to the right data and that we have an accurate and reliable picture of the packaging coming into the market.

The advantages of the new system:

  • A declaration system tailored to your company’s needs. Fost Plus has a very diverse membership, handling a wide range of packaging. The new declaration system is a convenient solution for every type of packaging and every type of company.
  • A single declaration for all your packaging. In the new declaration system, you can file your Fost Plus declaration (for household packaging) and your valipac declaration (for industrial packaging) together. We will continue to develop new applications in the future to make it even easier.
  • Sharing information easily. The new system offers many possibilities for sharing detailed packaging information with other parties. For example, you can give your suppliers access to specific references so that they can complete the data themselves. You can also choose to share certain packaging data with other members.

The new declaration system will be operational in the spring of next year, once the 2020 declarations are in. At that time, we will guide you about the new possibilities. 

It is already possible to start entering your packaging data into the new system. For more information, contact our Customer Service department.