Through the Pack It Better platform, Valipac and Fost Plus are encouraging eco-designed packaging.
The choice of a particular packaging material or its composition impacts on the entire recycling chain. By making informed choices when developing or buying your packaging, you can be sure that it has a minimum impact throughout its life cycle.
Through the Pack It Better platform, Valipac and Fost Plus are encouraging eco-designed packaging. We emphasise qualitative and quantitative prevention, recyclability and circular applications. Pack It Better is the very first Valipac and Fost Plus platform that gathers together in one place all the information and tools you need on sustainable packaging.
Pack It Better has been set up on the initiative of the industrial world to fulfil European and Belgian regulations on packaging recycling. Here companies will not only find relevant information and case studies, but will also be put in touch with centres of expertise that can provide practical assistance to improve the sustainability of their packaging. In this way, we are working together on a circular economy of household and industrial waste. See you soon on!