
Fost Plus unveils plans for litter management


Retrospective on Fost Plus’s digital stakeholder event. During this conference, Fost Plus was able to give more details about its role within the circular economy regarding for household packaging. Fost Plus announced its intentions to adopt a new coordinating role in the management of litter, integrating it into its operation. This is an extension of the Extended Producer Responsibility that Fost Plus wants to fulfil for its members. 

Litter is not only a source of annoyance for all the parties concerned, it also represents a loss for the circular economy. European legislation provides that from 2023, producers will be responsible for the costs associated with cleaning their products present in litter. 

In the follow-up to this conference, Fost Plus publishes its white paper, which establishes Belgium as a European recycling hub. The paper, which is available to download, focuses on the four crucial stages which serve as levers for accelerating the transition to a circular economy of household packaging. This is thanks, in particular, to the construction of new or future sorting and recycling plants in our country (discover the factsheets on sorting and recycling plants). 

Steven Boussemaere, Innovation & Business Development Director at Fost Plus says: “The changes in European legislation present an enormous opportunity. This allows us to integrate packaging into the recycling chain that is not currently included. Just as we are doing for the recycling chain for household packaging today, we want to take on a coordinating role in litter management and with it provide a structural solution to the problem.

It is a logical consequence, based on the strengths of the existing recycling system for household packaging waste.